After telling XCode which name we want to give to the project, it will generate its skeleton. As we can see, an rb_main.rb
script has been created, that is called from the entry point (in main.m
); and the RubyCocoa framework has been added as well. If we build and launch this project, we can see that it runs normally.
If we look closely at the generated code, we’ll see that main.m
, instead of calling NSApplicationMain
, is actually calling RbApplicationMain
and passing it the script name as an argument.
The script, for its part, looks somewhat more complex:
require 'osx/cocoa'
def rb_main_init
path = OSX::NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.fileSystemRepresentation
rbfiles = Dir.entries(path).select {|x| /\.rb\z/ =~ x}
rbfiles -= [ File.basename(__FILE__) ]
rbfiles.each do |path|
require( File.basename(path) )
if $0 == __FILE__ then
OSX.NSApplicationMain(0, nil)
The first thing the script does is require the Cocoa libraries (for Ruby). Then defines a function, rb_main_init
, that is called if the script it’s the same as the one that was passed as a parameter, proceeding then to call the method NSApplicationMain
, which loads the NIB files and begins the main Cocoa application loop.
What does this function do? It iterates over the package (the bundle) files, looking for all the ruby scripts within, and require
them all, presumably so that they are available before being used from the application.
Having seen this, we can proceed with the application, launching Interface Builder and defining the interface, as explained in the book. Once the main application window is created, we are expected to define a class Foo
with an outlet and an action, and then have XCode generate the code for that class. But XCode does not yet generate Ruby code, so the only thing we can obtain from it is Objective-C code. I have done this in order to convert it to Ruby, but you can skip this step and use the following code:
# Foo.rb
# RbRandomApp
# Created by Victor Jalencas on 18/02/07.
require 'osx/cocoa'
class Foo < OSX::NSObject
ib_outlets :textField
def generate(sender)
def seed(sender)
Now we’re ready to instantiate Foo. If we look at the Connection inspector, we’ll see that there is an outlet, which is there thanks to the class method we used to declare it, ib_outlets
(which is, actually, an alias to attr_writer
). However, there isn’t yet a method for declaring the actions, so that our only course of action is adding them by hand in Interface Builder. I’ve heard rumors that it will soon exist such a method, though.
Next, we’ll connect the outlets and actions as normally. Then it’s just a matter of implementing the methods we had declared:
# Foo.rb
# RbRandomApp
# Created by Victor Jalencas on 18/02/07.
require 'osx/cocoa'
class Foo < OSX::NSObject
ib_outlets :textField
def generate(sender)
generated = (rand(100))+1
def seed(sender)
@textField.setStringValue "Generator seeded"
If we build and launch the project now, we’ll see that it works perfectly. Where in the original code we would have called C functions (random
, srand
and time
), I have now used the ruby counterparts.
We’ll also see that the outlets are used as instance variables, and that there’s no need to convert ruby strings to NSString
(that is one of the few automatic conversions RubyCocoa offers us)
To finish the example, we’ll add the awakeFromNib
def awakeFromNib
now = OSX::NSCalendarDate.calendarDate
@textField.setObjectValue now
And with this, the application is finished. We could run the Ruby and the ObjC applications side-by-side and we’d get the same results, save for the fact that in Ruby, if you don’t seed the random number generator, it’s by default seeded with a value that depends on the time and the PID, while the C function random
does not and will always repeat the same sequences if it’s not properly seeded.