Pics from Alaska

Posted by Victor on March 17, 2006

I’m slowly recovering from the jet lag induced by the ten timezones of difference between Anchorage and Barcelona. Haven’t worked much at nights (nor days for that matter ;)

I’ve finally bit the bullet and upgraded my flickr account (from the free one) so that I could upload my pics (because waiting for that mythical rails-based gallery application is unrealistic, if I want to show the pics). I uploaded the pics from the digital camera, and I am uploading the scanned pics from the reflex one in batches. You will be able to tell them apart from the lack of EXIF info, which incidentally makes them appear out of order. EXIF info is probably the most important reason that will make me buy a SLR camera one of these days.

Fortunately enough, the digital camera (a Nikon E4200) has the posibility of specifying the timezone you’re in, so I didn’t need to readjust the internal clock -only the drift induced by replacing the batteries. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize this until we were in Alaska, so the pics from Seattle will have strange timestamps.

Anyway, go see the Alaska set now. Don’t mind the Spanish descriptions, you can comment them in English as well.