People rarely comment on this blog anymore - as opposed to when I was using MovableType for managing it, for example. Partly this may be because I don’t write so often, or about interesting things. One of the topics I wrote very often about was MT itself (as evidenced by the still predominant ‘mt’ tag in the tag cloud sidebar), and since I was linked from many plugin pages, that attracted a lot of traffic in. I expect that once typo has more users and I can contribute more time to putting up new plugins and sidebars, I get a lot more traffic (the syndication on PlanetTypo should help, too ;) of visits that stop by to comment on my posts.
I have noticed that Typo doesn’t yet have an administration page devoted to seeing the last comments. This is specially useful to keep SPAM at bay, since at a glance you may see if you’re a victim to a spammer.
So, since this is an itch of mine, I will create such a page, so that new comments are easily viewable to the author. I also will put up a last-comments sidebar thingy, the most difficult part of it is deciding how to present it (because the programming part is dead easy). Probably next week, though (I have a pretty busy weekend ahead of me)
(Of course, it will also include trackbacks, since they’re also victims to spam and allow to conduct a conversation)