After a longish Xmas vacation, I’ve returned today to normality. It’s nice to be able to return to the dull routine, for a change. So, while I come back to the world of the alive, and try to catch up the enormous backlog of things that have accummulated during my absence, I’m trying to see what’s new that is worthy of mention.
Looks like Google has released something new a couple of days ago, a pack of software for easy downloading of some nice freeware that is often needed when installing new systems. I haven’t tried it yet (will do it once I get back home tonight), but people are already saying that it’s like apt for Windows. Obviously I wasn’t paying attention when I read the description. This must be the Updater then. From what I read, it not only updates the Google Pack software but any other software you have installed as well. If that’s the case, I can see the reason behind the comparison (so it’s not useful in the apt-cache search
and apt-get install
sense, but in the apt-get dist-upgrade
one). I will be definitely interested if that is the case.