Christmas Dinner

Posted by Victor on November 25, 2005

In two hours I’m leaving for the airport. Mireia will pick me up and we’ll be flying to Heathrow, where a car will take us to Southampton, so that we can attend the Christmas Dinner tonight.

Pivetal is flying most of the Spanish office (and their partners) to So’ton for the party. Since each of us have different time constraints, we’re taking different routes. Some of the others, for example, go to Girona to take a flight to Bournemouth.

I’m looking forward to it, it’s always nice to chat with them out of a work context -like in the pub. Also, Mireia will have a chance to meet them, she only knows my coworkers from Barcelona. Unfortunately, since the venue is not in So’ton itself (it’s someplace called Chilworth Manor) I won’t be able to show her the town. We’re leaving early in the morning to take the first flight home (while my coworkers spend the weekend in varied places like Southampton, Portsmouth, Basingrad or London) to attend the annual meeting me and my best friends from high-school celebrate around Saint Saturnine (which is Nov 29th)

Whoa! I hadn’t seen Chilworth Manor’s site until today. I imagined it would be a small restaurant with guest rooms! This is more like some lordling’s house out of a Jane Austen novel!

(Credit due: Chilworth Manor’s image shamelessly stolen from their site. Let’s see if I can get a better picture, but I don’t think I will have enough light)