Rails List Manager

Posted by Victor on November 3, 2005

It is said that open source projects are started to scratch an itch of their developers. Well, I have realized today what is one of my itches, and which capability of rails would be extremely useful to resolve it: I am subscribed to more mailing lists that I can manage to read. While MUAs like Thunderbird or Gmail help with classifying the messages (and procmail as well) I have realized that I need somehow to prioritize posts to read in order to effectively use my time while catching up with mail.

So, as if I needed even more projects to work on, I have decided to design this mailing list manager for helping the end user (not the administrator of a mailing list, they already have excellent software for that) manage their subscriptions and get the most out of them.

The idea would be that the software receives your list mail for you, classifies it as best as it can, and presents it in a ordered list (according, of course, to hints that you must give it). If you feel like reading about a specific topic, just click the link that selects messages with that tag.

Of course, now that I think of it, I have been looking for some time for some project with which to train my Cocoa skills. Umm… need to ponder about that…

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