Meeting the guys at Linkara

Posted by Victor on August 12, 2005

Quite some time ago, I tried a couple of sites that at the time were all the rage: tribe and orkut. Everyone was talking about social software and all the great things we would be able to do with it. Shortly after that, the general interest dropped and so did mine. After all, once you were connected to some people, you asked youself ‘Ok now… what?’

After that, I was more interested in the graphical visualization of social networks, especially when depicted with interactive, spring-loaded graphs. Until last week, when the guys from Linkara - a Spanish social networking site- contacted me to chat over lunch. We exchanged ideas, get to know what projects we were working on, and agreed to collaborate. They gave me the opportunity to shape with my ideas the functionality of the site, and I’m eager to take a peek and see what’s been cooking for the upcoming version of the site.

So, if you speak Spanish and happen to be interested in social networking, folksonomies, AJAX, and similar subjects, head on over there and look for us: there’s very few of us and we all might end up building the next killer app.