Website news

Posted by Victor on December 22, 2004

As it turns out, I have recently fell in love with Ruby, the programming language from Japan. I had intended to learn it for a long time (it is said you should learn a new language every year isn’t it?) but had postponed it for later, but I recently stumbled upon Ruby on Rails, a web development framework that seems to get it right. Since it is installed at TXD and I won’t move this very site there just yet, I am giving it a spin by trying to build Bookstash with it. Bookstash is a Singlefile meets Delicious Library webapp thingie by the way.

There’s also a blogging system on the works based on RonR. Actually, there are many used in-house so to speak, but Epilog seems to be built with the idea of being released to the public and being easy to install. So I might try Epilog if it doesn’t take too long to be released and I am able to migrate most of my content there. It will be a nice experience to try to port my plugins to this system.

All this will have to wait though. I need to finish some university work first…