Back from the holidays

Posted by Victor on September 3, 2004

Actually, I came back a week ago after only 2 weeks vacation (remember, I switched jobs back in May). I am already at full steam again a week after coming back to work. We spent a week or so visiting the west part of Germany –mostly the Rhein valley– and also some couple of days in Paris. I saw there the banners announcing in Versailles the Apple Expo where the new iMac G5 was announced this week. I think it’s more probable we end up buying one of those that the lamp-like iMac. I still would prefer a higher resolution screen, but since it’s targeted to the home market you can’t ask for more anyway. But I digress…

Germany seems a wonderful place for living. Prices are more or less those of Barcelona (some even cheaper), denying our assumptions that they would be rather expensive. In addition, they have higher salaries than in Spain and more and better quality state-subsidized services. Their summer is fresh (as opposed to the scorching heat of Barcelona) and their food, while lacking olive oil, quite good. People there is civilized and good mannered, and very hospitalable. We have never been in the former RDF, and perhaps the live there is not so good, but the small sample we had of the west, we liked very much. Guess we’ll have to visit Berlin one of these days.

Le Tour Eiffel Paris… what can I say about Paris? It’s monumental. It’s as if buildings and people were built to different scales. A bit more chaotic than Germany, that’s for sure, but also thriving and glamorous. Also, way way overpriced. We were lucky to find a cheap Ibis hotel near the centre (with WiFi coverage as well)

Pictures, by the way, at the Gallery.

So, where did you spend your vacation? Tell me about it in the comments.

(lets see how this post ends, posted from Ecto)