I'm so damn good...

Posted by Victor on May 20, 2003

I’ve been for the last few days fighting my way with my little FreeBSD server. I’ll probably be self-hosted in the near future, due to some long lasting issues with tech support everywhere. I have decided that it’s in my best interest to buy an UPS and host all my websites through my ADSL line. I don’t know abot the performance (maybe I’ll have to ask for a higher bandwidth cap) but I can try it.

I have my FreeBSD server configured to run Apache 2, and Apache::Gallery, one of my requirements, doesn’t work with mod_perl 2 yet. I had the option then to modify A::G to run under mod_perl 2 (and I don’t know that much perl yet) or install side-by-side Apache 1.3 on the server to run mod_perl 1.27 and thusly A::G, which is what I did.

The tricky part is not have the two Apache versions runnning side-by-side oh no, the tricky part has been to convince mod_perl to run under perl 5.6.1 instead of the system-suplied 5.003. This has taken me the best part of the last few days…

Well, you can see the results, of course!! Performance is nothing to be proud of, of course, but take into account that this is just a humble AMD K6 with 128MB of RAM!