It seems I spoke too early (when saying it occured to me first) or too late, actually. I mean that, when I wrote that, I had thought about it for a long time, and probably before Nilesh wrote about it. But then again, he probably thought about it before he blogged it.
In any case, seems the LazyWeb is at work again, because, if not already doing it, someone’s at least working on it. Anyway, since I’m somewhat advanced on it, I’ll try to finish it. My idea has been not to make it a MT plugin or template, but a service (or WebService if you like buzzwords) for all the blogdom to use, that given a RSS URI will plot the timeline for that blog. I’m thinking it could be applied to a blogroll to, since individual blog entries rarely overlap, but a blogrollful of them could surely, and, now that we are on it, we could draw lines representing trackbacks.
Umm… a graphical representation of trackbacks… now, that’s another good idea for the lazyweb!!