Well, too much time without net access (or with better things to do ;) Let’s recapitulate:
The 12th I went to Andorra. Andorra is a pocket country in the Pyrenées, in the border between Spain and France. There, you can practice skiing, take thermal baths and in the summer, go hiking and enjoy the sun in the mountains, and things like that.
Being at just 3 hours from Barcelona, it’s a very popular destination, because you can buy lots of things (especially electronics) without paying taxes, and the differences with prices from Barcelona are abysmal. So, I spotted a deal and got myself a 2.1Mpixel digital camera for just €250 (plus commissions). I will soon post pictures…
From the 15th to the 18th I was again in the Pyrenées, in a small valley called Vallferrera (Smith Valley, so to speak), mainly in Alins, a little village with some friends my SO has there. The place is very beautiful, I got the chance of using my brand new camera and take some pictures. Some of them are not that good, for I am learning to use the camera, and some of them got lost while copyiong them from the Jornada (I had moved them there to free space in the CF card of the camera)
If my provider installs the Apache::Gallery album
, I will upload them.
Unfortunately, I hace no time to do it now. Just came home to pick some clothes, I am leaving for Milan tomorrow. And, from there, to Zagreb!! I had contacted with some folks at Zagreb Wireless to have internet access while there, but I have decided against carrying my laptop. It’s far too heavy and fragile, and we’ll carry the minimum, and with backpacks. So, I cannot guarantee the integrity of the equpment. I will just carry the PocketPC and the digital camera. Since I still have not a CF Wireless card for the PocketPC, I will try to locate CyberCafes from where to connect.