I have already begun reading Moorcock’s book and Angela’s Ashes. Curiously, the tale of the albino is not about Elric but about Ulrich von Bek, the German noble (though he fits the description of the melnibonean). Apparently, there’s been many albinos in the von Bek dinasty, but I don’t remember reading about this detail before.
I haven’t read the whole multiverse saga, but I do have read some of the books, even the von Bek compilation, and this fact doesn’t spring to my mind. This book is from last year, so I could conceivably have slipped some of the newest novels, but I find strange that Moorcock would introduce this glitch so late in the stories. Does anyone have more clues?
Meanwhile, the memories of Frank McCourt are an interesting bedtime reading. My girlfriend bought the spanish translation of the book some weeks ago, and was always commenting that it was a very interesting history. Since I don’t like reading translated novels when the original is perfectly understandable English, I thought I could buy the book to read along her (though she is many chapters ahead of me). It is always funny to see that the English version is soooo much small when compared to the Spanish edition…