Guinness Widgets

Posted by Victor on May 2, 2002

I just discovered a new (to me, that is) website, while googling for Guinness wallpapers. It’s at, and seems like some kind of preview site for new features at the official site. I say so both because of the domain name, and for the fact that they didn’t ask for my birthday prior to letting me in.

I learned about the Guinness Widgets, which are the devices used inside the cans (and bottles too!!) of draught Guinness. Yes, you read it well: bottles of draught stout. How do they do it, you say? well, I just told you, thanks to some clever invention which lets go nitrogen when pouring the recipient, you can have the black stuff as if just draught from a barrel at the pub. Amazing, isn’t it?

mmmmm…. too bad the wallpapers are just 1024x768 :(